Croydub x Basstrace Tickets
€14.00 / Sold Out
Early birds safeguard their attendance to the biggest Dubstep dance Austria has ever seen - Croydub x Basstrace - now.
Packages contain one ticket for the event, one welcome shot promise and our goodie bags.
Grab 'em while they're hot!
// Lineup
◇ Cimm
◇ Fractasl
◇ Ila Brugal
◇ Kromestar
◇ L U C Y
◇ Mr.K
◇ Opus.
◇ Scooped
◇ SGT Pokes
◇ Silkie
DATE: Fri, 14.06.2019
TIME: 22:00 - 06:00 h
PLACE: KunstBOGEN, Untergrundbahn Bogen 6, 1060 WIEN
Pick up possible in Vienna - postage will be refunded